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Distinguishing between a dry scalp or dandruff?

Posted by Ravinder Singh Sidhu on

A dry and itchy scalp can be incredibly uncomfortable however you will be pleased to know that dandruff and dry scalp are common problems, and there are millions of people trying to find out the cause, as well as solutions.

    The truth is anyone can get dry scalp or dandruff and the key is to pay attention to what is causing the scalp condition. Often, these are not isolated scalp conditions as you can get both dandruff and dry scalp at the same time. Seeking professional advice from a dermatologist or a trichologist can help with diagnosing the problem. 

    So the key question: Dandruff or Dry Scalp, which is it? 

    Dandruff is a common condition that causes the scalp to itch and flake. If you have ever scratched your scalp and noticed unpleasant white flakes on your shoulder, you have probably experienced dandruff. The white flakes are actually dead skin cells, which is completely normal for the body to shed, however, dandruff is the cause of a fungus called Malassezia. This causes the cells to shed more quickly and the faster the scalp sheds, the worse dandruff becomes. This is why some people shampoo their hair and after only a couple of days, the dandruff reappears. 

    A dry scalp appears with very similar symptoms to dandruff, including irritation, itching, flaking, and in some cases inflammation. However, the big difference is that dry scalp often occurs when the skin is lacking in moisture.

    Having a flaking scalp can be distressing however taking a closer look at the flakes can help reveal what's going on. As dandruff is often caused by too much oil on the scalp, the flakes tend to be larger pieces of skin that are oily in nature. When the scalp is dry, the flakes are usually fine, very dry, and much smaller in size. Dandruff flakes are usually white or yellowish, while flakes associated with dry scalp tend to be smaller and are typically white.

    What Causes Dry Scalp?

    A dry scalp is often combined with dry skin in other areas of the body. There are many reasons why the scalp may not produce or hold enough moisture, including:


    Cold weather dries out the skin all over your body, including the scalp. This coupled with the heating on in winter, can also dry the skin and thus the scalp. 


    Blow-drying on a high heat, coloring, chemical straightening, or haircare products can cause the scalp to become dry. Using shampoos high in pH levels can cause the pH level of the scalp to become imbalanced. 


    Stress increases the production of certain hormones and releases pro-inflammatory chemicals that can compromise the scalp's barrier function. This means it's easier for moisture to escape, potentially leaving the hair and scalp drier. 

    Nutritional Deficiencies

    Vitamins provide nutrients that help maintain a healthy scalp. Not getting enough of some of the key vitamins in your diet can cause dry scalp. Vitamins B6, B12, and essential fatty acids, such as omega-3s, are a lubricant for our body and can help to keep the scalp hydrated and healthy. 


    Staying well hydrated can help prevent dry scalp. If you're dehydrated, your body will direct much-needed moisture to more critical functions, leaving your scalp and hair to fend for itself. Water is the main source of energy for hair cells, it hydrates the scalp, the hair strands, and generates new hair growth. Dehydrated skin lacks moisture from the inside and can cause flaking, itching, and irritation of the scalp.

    What Causes Dandruff?

    Establishing the exact cause of dandruff is more complex than with dry scalp. There are however a few common factors including: 

    Malassezia Globosa

    This fungus is a major dandruff cause and is naturally found on everyone's scalp. In 50% of people though, it does not cause a problem. While sebum [a natural, waxy oil produced by the scalp] is essential to keep the scalp's moisture balance normal, excess sebum triggers growth of malassezia globose. When the fungus grows too quickly the normal renewal of skin cells is altered and dead skin cells shed faster than normal, resulting in dandruff.

    Infrequent Shampooing

    Infrequent shampoo days can promote dandruff as excess dead skin cells are given the opportunity to accumulate and sit on the scalp. When dead skin cells overgrow, they become flaky and irritated, which leads to shedding and itching.


    By limiting bad fats, added sugar, processed food, and dairy products in your diet, the production of dandruff can be reduced. These foods can promote excess oil production on the skin and scalp. Fungus' that cause dandruff, such as malassezia globosa and candida, feast on the saturated fatty acid produced, making dandruff worse.


    Dandruff can occur at any time of the year and is not exclusive to cold, winter months. Humid, summer weather means excessive sweating, which creates the perfect environment for malassezia globosa to thrive and cause a dandruff flare-up. The cold weather can be a problem too, as the drying forces of cold winter air and overheated indoor spaces can upset moisture balances in the skin. This fluctuation in temperatures dries out the scalp, leading to flaking. 

    Stress and Hormonal Fluctuations

    Hormonal changes, like puberty and pregnancy, can cause dandruff in people who don't usually experience it. Stress can also cause hormonal fluctuations as cortisol levels (aka the stress hormone) tend to spike, which increases oil production on the scalp. Stress hormones can disrupt the skin's barrier function, and trigger skin irritation and inflammation. This is why you may find that your scalp gets itchy, flaky, and overly sensitive and greasy when you are going through a stressful time. 

    Candida Overgrowth

    Candida albicans is a fungus that normally lives within the body in small amounts. An infection called candidiasis can occur when there is an overgrowth of candida albicans, this can cause problems such as dandruff. If you have a persistent case of dandruff that is not clearing up with normal treatments, a trichologist will usually check if candida overgrowth is the cause. Candida thrives in warm and moist areas but can also develop if the skin has become unbalanced due to medical conditions, stress, medication, harsh chemicals in haircare products, or an unhealthy diet. A diet high in added sugar, dairy, fried foods, and processed foods will increase candida that lives on your skin. 

    How to Treat Dandruff and Dry Scalp

    Almost everyone experiences some form of scalp irregularity, understanding the causes and knowing about the solutions are the first steps towards improving and stabilizing the condition. 

    Here are some ways to treat dandruff and dry scalp: 

    To Treat Dandruff

    We recommend using shampoos that are pH balanced. The pH of the skin ranges from 4.2 to 6.5 therefore using shampoos within this range can help the scalp to remain balanced.

    Look out for natural ingredients in products that are anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal such as Amla, Neem, Brahmi, Tea-tree as these work incredibly effectively on dandruff and have a whole host of additional benefits that will repair and nourish the scalp at the same time. 

    Our Organic Amla Strengthening Hair Oil is formulated to be rich in vitamin C, high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Together these help prevent and stop dandruff formation. This formulation will also balance the pH levels of the scalp and clear impurities from the scalp. 

    Attention is also required to the foods you are eating as certain foods can make dandruff worse. You can use an elimination strategy. Start by removing added sugars, dairy, bad fats, and processed foods, to see if dandruff improves.

    To Treat Dry Scalp

    Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, this helps to balance the moisture in the scalp. Eat more plant-based foods, and foods rich in antioxidants, including, strawberries, blueberries, artichoke, goji berries, spinach, raspberries, ginger, garlic, turmeric, dark chocolate, avocado, green tea. These foods help to reduce inflammation, which will help combat itching. 

    Also make sure to use shampoos with calming ingredients like amla, neem, lavender, chamomile, and peppermint to help soothe and calm irritation.

    Finally, aim to restore moisture to the scalp by applying natural, organic oils like Amla oil, Brahmi oil, Avacado oil, jojoba oil which have moisturizing and antibacterial properties, making them a superb, natural choice for fighting dryness.

    These can be applied before washing hair and used gently after to maintain and restore essential moisture and sooth the scalp preventing itchiness. 

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